Saturday, December 31, 2016

There might be too many judgements, but I am aware about my own realities

As and when I feel bogged down,  I realize that it's mostly a mixture of multiple things.  Sometimes it's a just a plain bad mood,  sometimes it's a kind of trigger,people in bad mood,  issues etc etc....  But what really bogs  me down is being judged negatively by people.  I am aware I am also Constantly forming judgements,  yes,  but then it's not to condemn or show someone down or feel better myself,  but to make sure I remain safe from people's moods or situations. More like a defense system. 
In all of this I realize the  poisoning attitude of judgement  itself. This factor kills possibilities, connetions and love.  Not necessarily always...  But it does. Being devoid of judgement is impossible.  For example...  I met someone new and I thought..  Hey,  what a pretty smile.....  OMG,  the man looks creepy! .... She looks like Lindsay Lohan (could be good or bad...  Who knows)..these are all judgements..  We are all a bag of judgements.That's that the mind does...
Here..  I remind myself..  That even though I formulate them  and sometimes stick to them, usually I am aware that it's a judgemental and the beautiful person in front of me is an amazing soul and part of my world. That... In my heart just makes him,  her and me...  All really good human beings.